Saturday, October 18, 2008

M.E. at robinson's galleria

finally, after 10 years of waiting for the our phone and internet to be fixed, digitel finally took action of our complaint. damn! they were so slow of responding to our needs. anyways, its fixed now. i can finally have time to surf the internet and put up blogs on my site.

today, i went to see miguel escueta perform at robsinson's galleria. but before that, i'll share to you the details of what happened before i even arrived at robinson's galleria. okay, i'll start. i was watching ugly betty because i couldn't do anything at home but to watch all the american shows that my sisters downloaded. so in short, all i did was have a marathon extravaganza of all the shows. anyways, i'm not done watching yet. after finishing episode 15 of ugly betty, i decided to stop for the day. then, i took a bath and put on some clothes. i was waiting for this day to come. i can't take another boring day at home.

then, i rode the tricycle from our street to the gates of our subdivision. then, i rode the jeepney going to junction where i would ride a bus going to robinson's galleria. in the jeepney, i didn't really mind the other passengers because i was too excited and it was the first time for me going to robinson's galleria without anybody. there were 3 guys in the jeepney and they were wearing white uniforms and i'm guessing they're from san beda manila because i saw one of them with a beda bag. i like boys so what, i don't know why. hehe :)

i walked the streets of junction where i found a bus going to robinson's but it was a long time for me to be able to find a bus going to that direction. okay, so i finally got inside the bus and i seated myself where there were available spaces. i seated myself in the three person seat. i was getting really pissed at the old guy seated in front of me because the sun was so bright and it was almost blinding me. i don't know if he can't feel that but i can because i couldn't even look straight. so, i just adjusted the curtains on my part. then, there was this guy who sat next to me but i didn't mind him because he's not handsome. haha :)

before i even seated myself, i saw two boys (they're friends and not gay) who was kinda good looking. so, one of the guys took off first. then, his friend who was better looking sat next to me. i thought he was gonna took off first but he didn't. i was really shocked that he sat next to me. then, i realized that the space between us was getting smaller and smaller and he was brushing his arms onto my arms (what! that was major.) i couldn't even make the tiniest bit of sound because i was having difficulty of breathing. good thing i didn't suffocate. i was enjoying the moment. haha :) i was really hoping that he would ask my name or my number but he didn't. okay, so he was sending all those signs but nothing happened. damn! i was so disappointed. as i've said so, i just enjoyed the moment. he was really handsome, if you could have just seen him. i don't know why he didn't ask anything.

we finally arrived at my destination, robinson's galleria, but nothing happened. he looked at me before i got off the bus. i thought for a second that he wouldn't let me out because he had this huge bag with him and he was occupying all the space. and when i got off the bus. i was ranting to myself because i didn't do anything. but, i was able to breathe normally again. so, i went inside robinson's galleria but i didn't see anyone from the migsters except for jobelle. i knew it was her but i just made sure it was her before approaching her. so, we talked a little because we're not yet that close. then, keshia arrived and we went inside the activity area. we were seated right in front of the speakers. it was so loud. diane, diana and lucky then arrived.

at first they didn't went in but after some songs, they decided to go in with one of their friend. miguel looked at us, the listers. i'll tell you, he's really gotten so handsome. haha :) you might think that i'm addicted but yeah, i think i am but not in a crazy way. haha :) oh my gosh! andie, i know you'll read this. miguel escueta mentioned all of our names, the listers, and i was the first one he mentioned. i was so shocked. haha :) jeng and roy wasn't there because they went with their other band. it was a good show. i had fun though there was this insect that got into my pants but it didn't hurt me. thanks to keshia who helped removing the insect from my pants.

it was autograph time for miguel and his other fans besides us. andie, the mailing list moderator approached us. at first she talked to the ones she knew way back but when i was introduced to her, she remembered me because she is my friend on multiply and she often reads my blog with regards to M.E. we had few talks and she was really nice and pretty too (it's true andie!) i've said it so many times already. thanks for sharing that thing we talked about (you know what that is). we took a photo together.

that's andie on the picture. so, after all the other fans had finished, it was our moment to go up the stage and take some pictures with miguel and juni. i got another high five from miguel. haha :) thanks for that but the essence went away already because i washed my hands when i got home. it was really fun being with the other listers. i also had a picture with juni and it was really nice. they were so nice.

well, that was my day. meeting miguel and juni again as well as andie and the listers. thanks for the good time. i really had fun today. anyways, i still don't believe what the others told me that it would be their last gig to watch. i still have to find out the reason why. rock on!