Saturday, September 29, 2007

a day of rest

finally, i'm yet to have my break for a while. i only get a break during weekends after my saturday classes. it's really tiring. from monday thru saturday i have classes and its from 7am-4pm. i still can't have enough rest because during weekends, there are still lot of school works to do. i just really have a little time to surf the net and check all my accounts in cyber space. thank god i'm still surviving college life. its fun being a college student because you're already legal to go wherever you want. i'm glad that i still have a social life despite of my busy schedule. i still get to go out if there's a chance and lucky for me to have those chances. sembreak is soon and i still have to wait just a little time before that. i would really use my sembreak to sleep and do whatever i want that i wasn't supposed to do on regular school days. that's all for now..^^

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