Thursday, October 18, 2007

hell week is over!!!

yay! finally, hell week is over. after our final exams last october 11, 2007, all second year nursing students of first semester, school 2007-2008 got busy finishing our output for our health care requirements. we all thought that we were gonna have a full semester break but we were wrong. all groups of ahse 2S had their meeting on what to do with all the requirements. we were all super busy with typing our output, going to school for the clinical instructors to check and correct them. i was really not in the mood to go to school but then i have to because it's a requirement and i have to pass all of it.
we also had problems with the grouping because my group, 2S was divided among 3 clinical instructors. we had problems because we didn't know if were going to be a part of our adopted group during the book binding. anyways, this whole week has been hell for all sophomore students. for the past few weeks, all i did was type my output, print it, edit it and think about the informations to put in the output. i also had to sleep for less hours and it was very tiresome. some had problems with the format but fortunately it went well.
today, it was the day for all groups to book bind their output. my adopted group was 2S2 and earlier today we met up at jollibee mendiola. oh my gosh! this week has also been about bankruptcy. i have to ask my mom and dad for money and i was really guilty on doing so but i really have to. all my money is gone just for the sake of finishing my output. moving on, me and my groupmates arranged all the outputs in proper order according to the table of contents. it was really tiring and you have t o have money for all the expenses. i was glad that we were able to find a place at recto were the price for book binding was appropriate for our budget. i was really glad that this whole output thing is over.
after our business at school, we went to jowell's apartment to have some fun. i went home early because i felt really asleep and i don't drink alcoholic beverage that much..hehe..^^ all i have to do is worry about my grades. we can see it on october 23. i hope that i'm going to pass because i really don't want to be an irregular student. i don't want to be delayed for a year. anyways, i'm really glad that i can finally have the break i've been waiting for. i wish i would really pass. i hope that ahse 2S would always be ahse 2S. keep the faith guys! hoping to see you next semester. take care you guys. godbless...

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