Tuesday, January 29, 2008

english declamation

january 29, 2008. we had our declamation for our english subject as an oral examination. we were all so nervous about it. everyone was memorizing their lines and can't think about the other subjects. it was only english that was on our minds. all of us had our costumes prepared and props and everything needed for the day's event. we went through the morning with our other subjects.
after physics, everyone went sarcastic because our next subject was english. anyways, most of us went straight to our room so that we could prepare. we didn't even bother to eat merienda. by the time we got there, section a was still there so we waited for them to go out of the room.
when they went out of the room, we then went inside. most of the girls started to design their hair, put on their make-up and others did their back-drop. all of us were so noisy inside the room. the professor on the other classroom had to open the door in our room and told us to keep quiet because they were having their class. i, then started putting on make up with the help of my classmates, all of us were so busy; changing costumes and all. then, we went to the comfort room to change for our costumes.
then, it was time for us to declaim. we went by our number that we chose. our professor called on our number and we cite our declamation piece. our professor hired a camera man to tape our performance because it was supposed to be our vtr. some of my classmates forgot their line. when it was my turn, i asked dana to video my performance on my digital camera. i wasn't that nervous and i did my best. i forgot some lines but i recovered immediately. after half of the class was done, we then went out to change our clothes. while outside, we took pictures of ourselves for a remembrance of the event.
when we had enough pictorial, we changed our clothes in the comfort room. after changing our clothes, we went back to our room and watched our other classmates perform. after everyone was finished, we fixed our things, arranged the chairs and listen to what our professor had to say about everybody's performance. she said it was okay but some were not because they didn't try their best. anyways, it was a good day. glad its over...

Thursday, January 24, 2008

heath ledger 1979-2008

last wednesday, january 23, 2008, i went to wikipedia to search for something. i woke up early because since 8pm of the day before i was already asleep and hasn't woken up ever since. okay, moving on, as i was on the wikipedia site, i saw something on the side where the recent news were placed, then, i saw something that really surprised me. it says there that 28-year-old australian actor heath ledger was found dead.... and i was like... WHAT?! i really couldn't believe it. so, i read the news. when i wasn't sure if i'll believe it, i went to yahoo and then, there it was, the headlines of the news. then, i read through it.
it is such a tragedy. i was really shocked! i remember watching him in 10 things i hate about you, a knight's tale and the patriot. all of which movie, he portrayed his roles very well. then, through the whole day, i just sort of put it in the back of mind. then, during the night, i watched the daily 1o on etc. my sister saw the news and she was also shocked. she didn't believe me when i told her its true. then, she logged on to the net and also read news about it. the news was also broadcasted on a local news report here in the philippines and i was shocked to know about it because i wasn't able to watch it.
during the evening, when i was about to sleep, i still couldn't stop thinking about it. i thought of michelle williams and their daughter matilda. also, i feel the pain of heath's parents. loosing a child is not easy. today, later in the afternoon, i read more news about heath's death. a lot of celebrities were also shocked by the news. it is such a loss to the entertainment industry in hollywood. i think heath ledger is a good actor. i love 10 things i hate about you and the patriot. oh man! may he rest in peace...

Saturday, January 19, 2008

hospital duty

last january 16-17, 2008, we had our first ever hospital duty. our group was assigned at quezon city st. agnes general hospital. our clinical instructor is our adviser, ma'am malagayo. for our first time, me and my groupmates decided to meet up at jollibee mendiola so that we could all go together. i said that call time was 6:00am, but, knowing my gorupmates, i know they will come late. and i was right. most of them came late and i was really pissed off.
when we were all complete, we walked to morayta because it is where we were supposed to ride a jeepney going to the hospital. we were running out of time because we were already late. good thing there wasn't much traffic during that time. by the time we got there, ma'am malagayo and our other 2 groupmates were already there. we were 20 minutes late so our C.I. told us to make an incident report. we then went inside the hospital. we waited for the chief nurse to tend to us but it was only our C.I. whom she talked to.
me and my groupmates didn't like the attitude of the chief nurse that much. we were actually kinda scared. then, we were asked to go to the classroom set up for student nurse who is having their duty. some students from fatima university were also having their duty there at the same time. during the few hours of time, our clinical instructor told us what we are supposed to do with our nursing care plan. she discussed to us important things about the requirements we are supposed to pass for the hospital duty. after the discussion, our C.I. searched for potential clients for us to assess and interview. most of us were assigned in the pedia ward. we finally started with our interview.
me and nheng were partners. we interviewed a 3 year old girl who was admitted to the hospital because of LBM. the girl was crying all the time when i was taking out some of the things from my clinical bag. her mother told us that she is always crying because she was injected with the I.V. me and nheng didn't pay much attention to our patient but we were still able to gather the necessary informations we needed. we played with the 9 months old baby next to our patient's bed. his name is ashlee. i thought at first that the baby was a girl because of her name but i found out later on that it was a boy.
he has so much energy and he's very very cute. everyone of us was really fond of playing with him. after our interview, we went to find a carinderia where we could eat our lunch. it wasn't that far from the hospital. the pork teriyaki that i ate was delicious. i felt so full during that time. it was also nice talking to our adviser about our concerns. she was really nice to us unlike other C.I.s of the level 2. after we have eaten our lunch, we went back to the hospital. coming back, we thought of the things that we are supposed to do about our case presentation. we waited for the time to go fast so that we could all leave.
after waiting for time to pass y, we then finally went home at 1:45 pm, when in fact our duty was up to 3pm. anyways, we rode a jeepney going back home. it was a really tiring ride and when i got home i immediately took a long sleep. when i woke up, i was burning with a hot temperature. i was really surprised because it hasn't been a while that i had a fever. my eyes were burning too, they hurt so much. i really thought that it would continue but thankfully it didn't.
the next day. we were almost late. i had to wait for my classmate at lrt santolan for almost 15 minutes. our call time was actually 5:45am bu when i texted her, she said she woke up late. i also saw there my fiend so she accompanied me while i was waiting for my classmate. i didn't really want to be late again for the second time because i didn't like writing incident reports. finally, she arrived. at first i was really mad. then, we took off at anonas station and from there we rode a jeep going to pantranco.
i was really pissed off with the jeepney driver because he had to stop in front of the school were there were so many students going down form their service. my temper was reaching the high level. i walked so fast that my classmate couldn't keep up with me. good thing we weren't late. when we saw our group, we went to the classroom to prepare for the activities. we were all busy preparing for our case study. we first proceeded with the case study, then with the quiz. we were only half day at the hospital because ma'am malagayo had to bring her daughter to the doctor. that's all..

Thursday, January 17, 2008

community immersion-program implementation

last january 9-10, 2008 was our program implementation at brgy. tumaway, talisay, batangas. we prepared for it only 3 days before the immersion but still we had presented something to the community people of brgy. tumaway. during the holiday vacation, we didn't coordinate with our clinical instructors for what we are supposed to do. only then, when we went back to school did we planned for almost everything to be done in the program implementation. after which, we were busy thinking of what we are supposed to do. each student were assigned to a committee so that work would be equally divided.
all of us were busy buying the prizes for the raffle and games, designing the posters, practicing for the intermission numbers like the skit, song and dance. everyone was busy and everyone was very cooperative. the C.I.'s were not really happy with our preparations because we weren't able to coordinate with them and our dryrun wasn't so good. we were all worried about how are we going to do all of those in just 3 days. we give everything we can; our energy, time and especially money.
january 9, 2008; first day. it was the feast of the black nazarene at quiapo, manila. i, jecca and claire decided to meet at the lrt station at 5:30 am. i was kind of late but i woke up early in the morning but my dad had to some errands. when i arrived at the lrt station, they were both already there and was just waiting for me. afterwards, we boarded the train because we didn't want to be late and be stuck in the traffic. good thing we were seated during the travel going to legarda station. we saw pope near where we are seated so when we got to legarda station, he came with us.
then, we stopped by at jollibee mendiola because pope had to get his umbrella at ariane's dorm. he was so tagal and we where kinda' worried because we thought we were going to be late. after he got his umbrella, we rode a taxi going to park and ride. it wasn't such a long ride. by the time we got there, all groups except out group has already boarded the bus so it was a good thing. wiht us were 3 C.I.s; Ma'am Lacopia, Ma'am Ramos and Ma'am Ustare. after checking the attendance and coordinating with ma'am gil, we left for batangas. while traveling, we watched the movie "i am legend". almost everyone paid attention to the movie because we vibed that it was a good movie.
i was really happy that while watching the movie i didn't feel dizzy. it was a good movie but halfway through it, we arrived at sto. tomas market. there, i didn't buy that much because i know that we will not be allowed to cook. so, i bought fruits instead. also, 3 sections having the program implementation arrived almost at the same time at sto. tomas market. after the market time, we went back inside the bus but found out that the movie had already been playing so we weren't able to know what happened after we went down the bus. it was a good movie after all. and we traveled to brgy. tumaway, talisay, batangas. it wasn't a long ride from sto. tomas market.
when we arrived at brgy. tumaway, our clinical instructors made a courtesy call at the municipal hall. afterwards, we went down the bus. after our C.I.s coordinated with the BHWs, we proceeded to our foster parents house. our house was just near so we were the 1st ones to arrive in our house. when we got there, we immediately started working on the poster to be put on the stage. i patterned the letters on the cartolina and my buddies cut the letters. we have to go back to the barangay hall by 2pm so we didn't have the chance to take a rest. we just did what we have to finish doing. we also ate our lunch which was cooked by our foster parent.
at quarter to 2, we fixed ourselves and prepared to go to the barangay hall. there, we were told to give out the leaflets, invitations and post the posters at different places within the barangay. those who still have to design the posters went to the house were the others were staying at. there, we were busy cutting, drawing and painting. others were having their dryrun. those who have to dance, sing and give lecture. others were busy talking with each other and not helping with the preparation. it was really tiring and i was so haggard. after staying at the other house, i transferred to where the others were sticking the letters to the plastic cover.
all of them were there. they were busy taking pictures and others were working on the preparations. it was fun because we were taking pictures of one another. after all the work has done, it was time for us to do aftercare. during that time, we were taking pictures because it will be included in the documentation to be passed as a requirement. others were taken home together with the C.I.s because their house is far. we were having fun until it was time for us to go back home to our respective house. when we got back, we started working on our lfd.
it was night time and we all felt so tired. our foster parent called us for us to eat our dinner. it was so good to eat food especially when you're really busy. after eating our dinner, we worked on our lfd again because we don't have much time to work on it the next day. i determined myself to finish the lfd until my eyes felt so heavy because they want to sleep. anyways, after i was done with the comments, we decided to all go to sleep. it was not a peaceful sleep for me. ang gulo kasi matulog ni melgrace, inipit niya ulet ako sa gilid ng kama.
january 10, 2008; second day; day of the program implementation. we woke up at 5am. we didn't go out of our room yet because anya was at the floor sleeping. when the three of us were awake, we made our morning routine and went to the venue for our program implementation. i gave some of the props needed for the preparation. it was so cold and i didn't bring my jacket. when we got there, most of our classmates were there preparing. after i gave the other props, we went back to our house to take a bath. we first ate our breakfast because our foster parent prepared our breakfast.
at quarter to 7am, we went there but found out we were the early ones to arrive. there, we prepared the necessary things to need. everybody was so busy but still we enjoyed what we were doing. others went to pick up our audience for the program. finally, the program started. we started good and there were a lot of people who went to watch our program. it was not such a long program but i think everyone who went had fun. it was a very good program. we took pictures of ourselves and we really did enjoy. after, the program, it was party time. we were all so happy that it was over.
after the program, we went back to our respective house to prepare our things before we leave. the kid in our neighborhood was there and it was fun knowing the people there. it was a community immersion to remember. i really had a great time. i hope that every community immersion we'll have is going to be a program implementation.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

well, this has been the books that i have been hooked to for this past few days. it's a series just like the harry potter books, but of course, it has a different story.
it's about this girl named bella swan, a typically average girl who fell in love with a vampire named edward cullen. it's a romantic novel and of course there are those conflicts in such novel. there's also the love triangle between edward cullen and jacob black who fell in love with bella swan. it's complicated though, because bella is torn between two lovers but she knows who she would choose.
well, you just have to read it yourself so you would understand what i'm saying. it is a very good novel which will imprint on you different reactions with the decisions made by the lead character. it would be confusing at times but you will get a hang of it. i really love this novel. can't wait for the other parts so that i would be able to know the fate of the love story of bella swan and edward cullen.

year 2007

so, here's what i think about all the things that happened to me for the year 2007.
year 2007 for me had been a great year. there were the happy times and the challenging times. the happy times were a memory i would never forget. i have my barkada whom i love so much. some had been my friends since i was in kindergarten and some i met during my high school days. they're the greatest friends i could ever ask for. they've always been there for me though sometimes i don't get to spend much time with them due to my school schedule. i've also been promoted to my sophomore year in college as a nursing student at centro escolar university. i've met new friends though at first i wasn't sure that i would get along with them, but i did.
they were the best classmates i could ever ask for. not that i don't like my classmates during my freshmen year. anyway, it is because our bonding was so different. we all know each other inside and out, like we've known each other forever. we also had lots of pictures taken (courtesy of me) so that we could relieve some of the happy memories that we had. i love them so much. my sophomore year in college has also been nice because of the people i've met. the kind and wonderful clinical instructors, especially our adviser, ms. jill iris sanchez. they have been the most amazing clinical instructors though there are some exception for team a.
the second semester of my sophomore year had also been good. i've met new friends for we had a new section. though, my new classmates are nice people. we were also transferred to team b and the clinical instructors there were also nice people. i've also been chosen as the leader of our RLE group..hehe :) i'm still not finished though with my sophomore year.
my family, of course. they have been such wonderful people to me. though i don't quite express my feelings, i know deep within me that i love them. although we do have some arguments and misunderstandings at times, we manage to work it out amongst ourselves. my family also had its ups and downs but we still managed to survive with the current situation of our country today.
of course, who would forget the person up there who watches us everyday. thank you, Lord for everything you have bestowed me. i'm grateful for my family, friends and everybody i met along the way. you have been so good to me this year and i would never forget your good deeds. thank you for letting me live a life that i've never regret. you've made my life so much worth it. i'm so sorry for all the sins i've committed. thank you for you forgiveness. i love you so much.
also, there are so much to talk about but it just can't seem to come out now. all in all, 2007 has been a great year. the challenges that i've experienced made me a better person. those challenges are part of our lives that we must face so that we would be able to be more stronger and have a positive outlook in life. i hope all of you had a good 2007 too. godbless all of us.
2007 signing off... hello 2008!:)