Wednesday, January 2, 2008

well, this has been the books that i have been hooked to for this past few days. it's a series just like the harry potter books, but of course, it has a different story.
it's about this girl named bella swan, a typically average girl who fell in love with a vampire named edward cullen. it's a romantic novel and of course there are those conflicts in such novel. there's also the love triangle between edward cullen and jacob black who fell in love with bella swan. it's complicated though, because bella is torn between two lovers but she knows who she would choose.
well, you just have to read it yourself so you would understand what i'm saying. it is a very good novel which will imprint on you different reactions with the decisions made by the lead character. it would be confusing at times but you will get a hang of it. i really love this novel. can't wait for the other parts so that i would be able to know the fate of the love story of bella swan and edward cullen.

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