Thursday, May 29, 2008

the end of summer class

last may 27 marked the end of our summer class. yet, we had to go back to school last may 29 for our evaluation in our rle subject. i was so happy because i got to see my crush yet again. hehe..^^ i'm so glad that summer class is over and we only have to wait for the results for us to know if we will be included in the capping and pinning ceremony which we all can't wait for. i hope that everybody will pass especially the irregulars in our batch. i just can't wait for the capping and pinning because we all worked hard to reach that one goal which is very hard to achieve once you enter ceu.
well, i must say i had fun during our summer class though before it ended, one stupid girl made a mistake of messing with me. hindi niya alam kung sinong kinakalaban niya. anyways, i'll just have to let that pass because she's going to canada. i'm glad that she's leaving and for sure a lot of people will be happy that she's going away to some foreign land. i had a really good summer though i didn't get to spend a lot of time at home. i also enjoyed my summer though we did a lot of things especially with the requirements. we had no sleep just by doing our requirements.
all of our professors during the summer were really nice. they were the nicest people i had known during my stay in ceu. i am so happy that summer has ended. we have to learn yet again new things this coming school year which we will be in our junior year. i just can't wait. only one more year to go.
congratulations to all! hope we all pass..^^

Saturday, May 17, 2008

love lost but not found

i'll be on emo mode for now. i'm not usually an emo person but a certain event made me post this blog. i miss posting and because of my busy schedule, the time doesn't permit to do so.

love lost but not found.

i've been looking for that person that will make me feel that i am loved. the one person that i could truly feel the love that i've been looking for. i've already let go of that someone and now i can't seem to bring it back. i should have tried before but i felt that i'm not ready yet. love is a wonderful feeling though there are times that love can hurt. being in love doesn't mean that a guy/girl would have to be with you to satisfy you. there are other people who can do that for you.

perhaps your family, friends, classmates, and relatives can make you feel loved. right now, i feel so contented that eventhough i don't have that special someone, i feel love and experience love in different ways. my family, friends and classmates love me for who i am. i realized that they can satisfy my needs of being loved despite of not having that one person that i wanted. i am so blessed to have those people in my life that i know will never leave me especially in my darkest hour. though i don't get to spend some time with my barkada and friends, i know they still think of me and they still love me despite of my absence.

love lost but not found. i won't say that i am insecure with those who are in a relationship. i know that God has other plans for me. i remember one text message from my friend, it says that God will not give you that person if you're not ready yet. but if you are, he will give it in the right time. i believe that "true love waits" as what one of the motto's of yfc says. be patient. don't hurry in engaging in a relationship if you know you are not ready yet. make sure that if you are in a relationship, you will not be afraid to show who you really are to that person you love.

i'm not so good with love but as what i have heard and observe from others, love is a great feeling. to share with someone your joy, happiness, sadness, anger and even the little things is rewarding. to be able to open up to someone that understands you best is such a wonderful feeling. i am so in love with my life right now. hope i made sense :)

Thursday, May 8, 2008

will i pass this summer class?

now is the time for me to wonder if i would be able to pass our summer class for me to be able to join in the capping and pinning ceremony this coming june. well, there are still lots of things to be done this may. more toxic time due to ret dem, hospital duty and other academic subject requirements. i really hope i would pass.. damn! if i fail, all my efforts will be wasted.
anyways, i already know my combined grade in nutrition lec and lab and i passed. i still don't know my grade for ncm 100 combined. i really hope i will pass ncm. just thinking about the ret dem makes me wonder.. hehe..^^ there are a lot of issues right now that determines if i will pass ncm 100. i won't tell what are those issues but most of my classmates know why. especially those who have experienced what we are yet to experience.
there's still approximately 3 weeks left before the end of the summer class. there's still lots of things to be done. i'm just glad that our professors in ncm 100 lecture and nutrition are nice people. they'll help boost up the grades of the students. oh well, a BIG GOOD LUCK to me.. that's all for now. just dropping by..