Sunday, November 30, 2008

on the big screen: TWILIGHT

November 29, 2008
Glorietta 4, Cinema 6

November 29, 2008 was the day. I had the chance to watch the most anticipated movie this year. It wasn't supposed to be released until this december but since the date for the showing of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince was moved to summer next year, the producers of Twilight grabbed the opportunity to move the time schedule for the premiere of the movie. Twilight, after a few days of its premiere, became such a huge success.

I was supposed to go to the music video shoot of Miguel Escueta's new single "Blue Monday" also in Makati but, sadly, I didn't made it on time because my class ends at 2pm and there was an announcement from our class president about the OR/DR/CDR completion. I was kinda sad but I just said to myself that there is always a next time that I will see Miguel Escueta. Anyways, I tagged along with me my friend Cez. I told her about the music video shoot but unfortunately, as I've said, we didn't made it on time because there was a traffic at Ortigas area.

We ended up watching Twilight instead at Glorietta 4. Me and Cez had an adventure inside the mall because we ended up getting lost and asking every security guards for directions. I thought I knew the mall because I used to go there with my mom and other siblings. I guess it was hard without mom because she knows all the way in the mall. We ate first at McDonald's because we were hungry. We both ordered Cheeseburger Value Meal Go Big Time. That just shows how hungry we both are. I decided to meet up with Andie, the Moderator of Miguel's Escueta's Mailing List. She told us everything that happened during the music video shoot and also showed some of the pictures she took. It was nice seeing her again and talking with her. It was so much fum. My friend liked her and told me that she's wacky. haha :)

After we were done eating, Andie and us separated ways. Andie was going to spend her time window shopping (I hope she bought something). Me and Cez made our way to the theater. Damn! I wasn't surprised how many people were there lining up to buy their tickets to see Twilight. It doesn't matter what age you are as long as you're there to see the movie. Almost all of the cinemas in Glorietta 4 were Twilight. The others were Bolt and Quantum of Solace. So, I bought the tickets and all the lines were long. After buying the ticket, those in the 5:40 pm showing must wait in line. So, we decided to go to the ladies bathroom first and when we got out, we were surprised because the line was so long. I was like "Is this for real? WTF?!" haha :)

While waiting in the line, I was observing everyone who was in the lone to go see the movie. me and my friend were wondering if all of them got the chance to read the book, NOT. of course they haven't. also, it's already hard to find a copy of the Twilight book because Breaking Dawn was on display since it is the latest installment of the Twilight Saga. We talked and talked until the time came they let us in. I was really excited since I received some mixed reviews from the movie. Wow, there were really lots of people inside the movie house. Amazing! Then, trailers started showing. My friend couldn't keep her excitement anymore.

Finally, the movie began. We both were immersed in watching the movie as well as the others inside. Damn! Almost all of the girls screamed when Carlisle appeared. I was really shocked. And of course, every girl screamed when Edward finally made an appearance. *gawk* I was having such a good laugh during that time. It was much more entertaining to hear and see all the girls giggling for Edward played by Robert Pattinson. I don't really remember that much from what I've read in Twilight. It was all a blur to me since it was a long time ago since I've read the book. I really liked the actors who played Japser and James.

There were some funny moments in the movie. But the part that I really liked was the Baseball Game. I also liked this part in the book. It was unbelievable, you know, all of their strengths with throwing and batting the ball as well as how fast they catch the ball. I was really amazed with how Alice was pitching the ball. Her leg swing were really high. haha :) That was funny. Rosalie is so pretty. The only honest thing I can say about the movie is that I don't like Robert Pattinson. Not that he wasn't good in the movie. I actually liked it that he didn't have an accent and that his voice was so solemn and soft-spoken. When I found out that he was playing Edward I was like "WTF?!" Its just that he wasn't the Edward I imagined from the book. Oh well, the movie is done already so might as well accept it.

I don't know what to say about the movie. It has some good points as well but not at all great as I have expected. I'm so tough to please when it comes to watching movies. But all in all, I think it somehow did justice to the book. Even Stephenie Meyer made a cameo appearance. When the movie was done, the persons at the back didn't like it because for the sole reason that they didn't read the book. Oh well, lets just see what will happen to New Moon.

Breaking Dawn

after almost a year since i've read twilight, new moon and eclipse, i finally had the chance to read breaking dawn. my sister haven't bought herself a copy of the book but good thing my younger sister borrowed from her classmate so i had the chance to read the book and finish ahead of her.

they say that the book received a lot of negative reviews so i kinda hesitated if i still wanted to read the book. maybe that's the reason why my other sister didn't buy a copy of the book.

here are some of those negative reviews:
*Publisher's Weekly stated that the main problem was that "Essentially, everyone gets everything they want, even if their desires necessitate an about-face in characterization or the messy introduction of some back story. Nobody has to renounce anything or suffer more than temporarily--in other words, grandeur is out."

*Entertainment Weekly graded Breaking Dawn with a D, criticizing the birth scene and Bella's "unwavering passion for Edward" and having no other goals.

*reviews courtesy of wikipedia

so here's what i have to say about the book. of course, it is all about bella's perspective. till now, i don't know how to react or what to comment about the book. i guess its quite interesting to know what will happen to bella and edward's love story. i won't give away too much information because some of those who may read this review haven't read breaking dawn yet.

i didn't like some of the chapter titles in the book because it was too long, not interesting at all. also, i didn't like how jacob is still attached to bella after knowing the reality that she and edward is already married and have a child. anyways, towards the end, nothing so bizarre happened when the whole volturi clan paid a visit to the cullen family and their invited witnesses.

what i liked in the book was that of course, bella and edward's love story and the fact that they had a child. also, bella having a gift after turning into a vampire. i kinda liked the idea that their daughter was wonderful just like how the other characters in the book fell in love with her. i hope i'm making sense. haha :) anyways, the book had some good points too. i just can't remember everything i read.

i guess, this is all for the twilight saga. i hope that stephenie meyer would pursue with "midnight sun" which is about edward's perspective.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

nurses' day 2008

november 22, 2008
nurses' day celebration 2008
sandwich, sinosikat, merenggue
north quadrangle
centro escolar university, manila

well, the most awaited event for all the nursing students of CEU. the nurses' day celebration, a break from all the stress and sleepless nights. all nursing students didn't have classes but they still had to come to school to sign their attendance. during the morning activities, a thanksgiving mass was held at the librada avelino auditorium and the opening ceremonies were also held there. all the participants were the nursing student council, level officers and class officers.

after the opening ceremonies, they didn't want to let us out of the auditorium but we just had to go out because there were more important thing that we had to do. we forced our friend who was guarding the door to let us out. there were many junior students who were trapped inside but thankfully, our friend let us out and i gave her a kiss on the cheek. haha :) so, we ate our lunch since me and my classmates were starving. we chatted a while on the lanai with our other classmates while waiting for our attendance for our pharmacology class. afterwards, we went to the library to research on our assignment in english.

we have to research on 5 thesis and copy the research title, research problem, specific problems and the references. we had difficulty in looking for different topics because some were incomplete. finally, we settled and copied the informations we needed. it was so cold inside the library and i cannot write legibly anymore because my hand was freezing. after copying all the informations, we immediately went out of the library to get us out of our suffering. it was nice to be outside because the temperature was warmer. after that, i went home so that i could change my clothes.

i didn't have any difficulties in going home because there wasn't any traffic except at sta. lucia mall. when i arrived home, i changed from my clinical uniform to my civilian clothes. i didn't rush since there were still a lot of time and it was still early. when i was already prepared, i left our house to go back to school. i was really annoyed because of the traffic jam going to lrt santolan station and i had an headache. so, when i arrived at mendiola, i waited for my friends so that we could go inside the school. the first two people that i saw were karyl and phaning. we chatted for a while and took some pictures on my new phone.

we met up with our other friends near the police station at mendiola. when we were at the north gate, we went inside. i thought we couldn't go in because we were wearing sandals/slippers. when we were inside, we signed on the registration booth and watched the singing contest. we were at the back because all the seats in front were occupied. me and my friends were excited to see the band "merenggue". haha :) it has been a while since we saw them. phaning, my friend, have two brothers in the band.

we enjoyed the show that was going on. after the singing contest was the dance contest. the juniors had two representatives. we really enjoyed it especially when the seniors showcased their talents. we enjoyed it. but, what we enjoyed the most was the presentation of our friends who were included in the dance contest. we really cheered out loud for them and all of them were really good. next was the battle of the bands. the judges were two of merenggue's band member: daryl and stanley and the other i think was a clinical instructor. then, the rain started pouring. what we did was "pinayungan namin yung tatlong judges kasi wala silang payong" and "nakakaawa naman kong mababasa lang sila don" might as well shield them from the rain with our umbrella.

it was really tiring to do such but it was okay. they had to cut short the battle of the bands because the guest bands should be performing already. the first band was "sinosikat". honestly, i didn't care at all before when i see their music videos on mtv. but when i saw them perform live, i really enjoyed it. kat, the vocalist was really pretty and sexy. she is such a good performer. another thing, their bassist was really cute. haha :) i like him. their songs were good but as i have said. i didn't care much before but i heard their songs on the radio. the next band to perform was "sandwich". that made all the students, nursing or not, stand in the chairs. it was really enjoyable and all the people had fun watching ans singing along to them. they sang: selos, betamax, sugod, zaido and procrastinator. mong alcaraz wasn't there because he had to be with his other band "chicosci".

after sandwich, half of the audience dispersed. haha :) it was really fun and all had a great time. i think my energy during that tome was drained. then, "merenggue" was the next band to perform. two of the members were from CEU. me and my friends went to the front of the stage at least to make up for being at the back of the pack during the performance of sinosikat and sandwich. we were screaming so hard to show support. we were the few people who knows the band and the others might be wondering why we were screaming so loud. haha :) anyways, we enjoyed their performance too. as i've said, i think all of the energy of the audience was drained.

after the performance of merneggue, the battle of the bands resumed. there were 3 participants in the junior level. the next to perform included our good friend and they were really good. the last to perform were our classmates on english and political science. when all of the bands were done performing, they announced the winners of the singing and dance contest and battle of the bands. the freshmen grabbed the victory in the singing contest. we, juniors, grabbed the victory for the dance contest and battle of the bands. we didn't expect our friends to win in the dance contest but at the same time we wanted them to win. anyways, all the excitement had to end.

the pictures will be posted very soon. there are still some things to be done :p

Saturday, November 15, 2008

busy, busy, busy

well, it is the start of the second semester for school year 2008-2009. for the start of the first week, we had our RLE class. we had our orientation and lecture for OR. me and my classmates were wondering if we can survive all the sterile techniques that we had to do in the OR. i guess we'll just have to wait.

new semester, new classmates. i guess its okay because it means that i am extending my social networks of friends and not limited to those i know since i started college. i'm glad to meet all my new classmates and wish that i could get close to them. of course, i still have my so-called "inspiration" which all of my friends know of. haha :) everytime i see this person, i go crazy and scream and giggle like a little girl. also, there's a new person we met which made all the girls in our class focus on this person. this person is really good-looking, tall and so nice to us students.

we were given our schedule for the whole prelim period. we have a total of six hospital duty, including the enhancement duty which will take place on december 22 & 23. goodluck to all ceu level 3 bsn students. we can do it! so, we also have our community immersion and i am really looking forward to it. i guess i'll be busy next week and the weeks to follow. good night!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

seeing the dentist and other topics

i went to the dentist today as recommended by our school dentist. i should have gone to see the dentist long ago but we're short in money. its not that we're the only family who is having financial crisis. anyways, just last week i told my mom that i would go and see our family dentist which is also our family friend for many years now. so, i did it today. i went there this afternoon. they have a small clinic which i remember that when i was way younger, we use to go there often to treat our teeth.

what the dentist did to me was light cure restoration or "pasta". she repaired the cavities that are almost damaged if not treated. i was seated in the chair for so long and my jaw was left hanging for quite some time. it was really hard for me not to swallow because every time that my mouth felt like that it is full of saliva, my gag reflex will be stimulated. so, i just endured the pain and put up a brave front. haha :) it was nice for me to have my teeth treated because it has been a while since i've went to see a dentist. it was actually refreshing. she also recommended that i have braces, just because. so, that was my trip to the dentist.

i miss blogging so much. i haven't been able to post a blog about the things that had happened to me since the start of our semestral break; and now, another semester is about to start. well, let me start when we had our sem break. at first i didn't know what to do at home and i was really bored. we still had to do our community photo album which is recommended for all nursing students in our school, and it was by class. those with the "creative side" were asked to take part on the making of our community photo album.

next is that i watched season 2 of ugly betty and season 4 of grey's anatomy as well as other seasons of various american shows that my sister downloaded. we also had our enrollment for the second semester which only took us half day (for the first time!). it was the easiest enrollment we had and made history in all of our stay in CEU college of nursing. what else did i do? i also watched "it started with a kiss". it was really good and i love the drama. i love joe cheng! haha :) it was really funny and there were as well some irritating scenes. but over all it was really good.

right now, i am busy with watching "they kiss again" which i know is already finished in abs-cbn. i have to finish it before another semester begins. i am really envious of ariel lin whenever she and joe cheng will share a sweet and passionate kiss. damn it! joe cheng is much better looking at "they kiss again". i am so loving this drama right now.

i wonder what's in store for me this coming second semester. i am excited to face pharmacology and medical-surgical nursing in which we would take up for our NCM 102. i better study hard and prepare for it as well. i better watch this new taiwanese drama showing in abs-cbn called "why why love". haha :) well, that's about it. i'm not in the mood to put so much details in my blog today. thanks!