Saturday, November 15, 2008

busy, busy, busy

well, it is the start of the second semester for school year 2008-2009. for the start of the first week, we had our RLE class. we had our orientation and lecture for OR. me and my classmates were wondering if we can survive all the sterile techniques that we had to do in the OR. i guess we'll just have to wait.

new semester, new classmates. i guess its okay because it means that i am extending my social networks of friends and not limited to those i know since i started college. i'm glad to meet all my new classmates and wish that i could get close to them. of course, i still have my so-called "inspiration" which all of my friends know of. haha :) everytime i see this person, i go crazy and scream and giggle like a little girl. also, there's a new person we met which made all the girls in our class focus on this person. this person is really good-looking, tall and so nice to us students.

we were given our schedule for the whole prelim period. we have a total of six hospital duty, including the enhancement duty which will take place on december 22 & 23. goodluck to all ceu level 3 bsn students. we can do it! so, we also have our community immersion and i am really looking forward to it. i guess i'll be busy next week and the weeks to follow. good night!

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