Sunday, November 30, 2008

on the big screen: TWILIGHT

November 29, 2008
Glorietta 4, Cinema 6

November 29, 2008 was the day. I had the chance to watch the most anticipated movie this year. It wasn't supposed to be released until this december but since the date for the showing of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince was moved to summer next year, the producers of Twilight grabbed the opportunity to move the time schedule for the premiere of the movie. Twilight, after a few days of its premiere, became such a huge success.

I was supposed to go to the music video shoot of Miguel Escueta's new single "Blue Monday" also in Makati but, sadly, I didn't made it on time because my class ends at 2pm and there was an announcement from our class president about the OR/DR/CDR completion. I was kinda sad but I just said to myself that there is always a next time that I will see Miguel Escueta. Anyways, I tagged along with me my friend Cez. I told her about the music video shoot but unfortunately, as I've said, we didn't made it on time because there was a traffic at Ortigas area.

We ended up watching Twilight instead at Glorietta 4. Me and Cez had an adventure inside the mall because we ended up getting lost and asking every security guards for directions. I thought I knew the mall because I used to go there with my mom and other siblings. I guess it was hard without mom because she knows all the way in the mall. We ate first at McDonald's because we were hungry. We both ordered Cheeseburger Value Meal Go Big Time. That just shows how hungry we both are. I decided to meet up with Andie, the Moderator of Miguel's Escueta's Mailing List. She told us everything that happened during the music video shoot and also showed some of the pictures she took. It was nice seeing her again and talking with her. It was so much fum. My friend liked her and told me that she's wacky. haha :)

After we were done eating, Andie and us separated ways. Andie was going to spend her time window shopping (I hope she bought something). Me and Cez made our way to the theater. Damn! I wasn't surprised how many people were there lining up to buy their tickets to see Twilight. It doesn't matter what age you are as long as you're there to see the movie. Almost all of the cinemas in Glorietta 4 were Twilight. The others were Bolt and Quantum of Solace. So, I bought the tickets and all the lines were long. After buying the ticket, those in the 5:40 pm showing must wait in line. So, we decided to go to the ladies bathroom first and when we got out, we were surprised because the line was so long. I was like "Is this for real? WTF?!" haha :)

While waiting in the line, I was observing everyone who was in the lone to go see the movie. me and my friend were wondering if all of them got the chance to read the book, NOT. of course they haven't. also, it's already hard to find a copy of the Twilight book because Breaking Dawn was on display since it is the latest installment of the Twilight Saga. We talked and talked until the time came they let us in. I was really excited since I received some mixed reviews from the movie. Wow, there were really lots of people inside the movie house. Amazing! Then, trailers started showing. My friend couldn't keep her excitement anymore.

Finally, the movie began. We both were immersed in watching the movie as well as the others inside. Damn! Almost all of the girls screamed when Carlisle appeared. I was really shocked. And of course, every girl screamed when Edward finally made an appearance. *gawk* I was having such a good laugh during that time. It was much more entertaining to hear and see all the girls giggling for Edward played by Robert Pattinson. I don't really remember that much from what I've read in Twilight. It was all a blur to me since it was a long time ago since I've read the book. I really liked the actors who played Japser and James.

There were some funny moments in the movie. But the part that I really liked was the Baseball Game. I also liked this part in the book. It was unbelievable, you know, all of their strengths with throwing and batting the ball as well as how fast they catch the ball. I was really amazed with how Alice was pitching the ball. Her leg swing were really high. haha :) That was funny. Rosalie is so pretty. The only honest thing I can say about the movie is that I don't like Robert Pattinson. Not that he wasn't good in the movie. I actually liked it that he didn't have an accent and that his voice was so solemn and soft-spoken. When I found out that he was playing Edward I was like "WTF?!" Its just that he wasn't the Edward I imagined from the book. Oh well, the movie is done already so might as well accept it.

I don't know what to say about the movie. It has some good points as well but not at all great as I have expected. I'm so tough to please when it comes to watching movies. But all in all, I think it somehow did justice to the book. Even Stephenie Meyer made a cameo appearance. When the movie was done, the persons at the back didn't like it because for the sole reason that they didn't read the book. Oh well, lets just see what will happen to New Moon.

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