Friday, December 28, 2007

shopping galore

today, me and my sister went to sta. lucia and robinsons metro east to go shopping for anything we would like. well, i finished first the chores that we had to finish. man! my back hurts from laundrying all the clothes we have worn. it was so tiring for there was too many of it. it was so tiring doing household chores but we still have to because our mom gets angry at us for not doing anything productive at home. anyways, after finishing the chores after lunch, i went back to our room to continue reading the latest book my sisters bought. i did it so that i could rest for just a while before going out of the house.
after i was contented with what i've read, i took a bath. it didn't took me long to take a bath. of course, after everything was done, we left heading off to the mall. when we got there, there are still loads of people due to the holidays. though, it was nice for me to be back again in a mall. it's been a while since i've been to the mall and since i've had money. of course, it's only during the christmas season where i could have money. and if you have money, you have to spend some of it and keep some for future use. it was really overwhelming for me since i wanted to buy a lot of things.
we were in the mall for quite a good deal. we've been there for some time and me and my sister did buy a lot. it feels so good and felt nice to have new things for yourself. i'm glad i have money. it doesn't come that much often to me. i spend a lot of money just for school work that's why i don't get o save some for my own. after we were contented with what we bought, we decided to call it a day in the mall. we went home feeling good about the things we've bought. happy holidays everyone... :)

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