Tuesday, December 4, 2007

what a day!?

well, it's again a weekday so there are classes once again. damn! i still have the stains from our last experiment last monday. we did this experiment in the microbiology lab called acid fast staining. i was the one who did it and the end result is that i still have the stains on both my hands. the reagent that stained my hands is called carbolfuchsin. its supposed to be color red and with a mix of gold color but when it stays in your hands, its color is somewhat like fuchsia pink. my classmates are teasing me about it but i'm fine with it. its not such a big deal but i don't really like to see the stains anymore. it makes my hands look really ugly when they're really not. i hate it!
anyways, i'm so happy for the past few days because i saw my crush from the 4th year level also from the college of nursing. i saw him outside our classroom for our physics lecture subject. i knew i know that back and when he turned, it was him. me and my other classmates who has a crush on him was giggling. all three of us can't stop giggling.. :) f.y.i. ii had a really embarrassing day yesterday because i said a bad word inside our classroom when in fact there was still a professor inside the room. i only realized it after i've finished saying the word. i immediately went outside the room because i didn't want her to punish me.. i didn't immediately went inside the room because i waited for the professor to leave the room.
moving on.. i don't have classes today and on thursday so i am so lucky because i can finally have a break from all the studying. take care everyone..

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