Tuesday, December 2, 2008

TWILIGHT, second time around

December 2, 2008
Sta. Lucia East Grand Mall, Cinema 8

Today, when I arrived at school for our morning class, all I could ever talk about with my friends who have watched and read Twilight. I went on babbling about it with my friends. Anyhow, just to share with you, I managed to put some of the pictures from Twilight. I showed them to those who have watched the movie, especially the girls, and they were all so giggly about it. I guess that's how big the effect was to them made by the famous Edward Cullen, of course, played by Robert Pattinson. So, all day long, that was our topic. And for our friends who haven't watched the movie yet, they tried to keep some distance. Haha :)

My very good friend who really wants to watched it today decided to go for it. Since we don't have classes tomorrow, I agreed to accompany her since I thought maybe that if I watch it the second time around, I would appreciate it more. When we were having the film viewing for our NCM subject, me and my other friend kept on talking about Twilight and the other books. I managed to spoil her a little about the things that happened and she was already interested in reading all the books. She was SO addicted to Edward. She still has the Twilight hangover. Maybe I do too. Haha :) We had different topics throughout the conversation but we still end up going back to Twilight. Oh, by the way, we watched "The Bucket List" starring Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson. W have a DVD of it at home but I had no interest in watching it. But, when we watched it today, I found out that it was really good and the movie was touching.

After our NCM class, me and my friend who can;t wait any longer to watch Twilight, made it out of the school. We take the usual route going home which is to ride the LRT. So, we were already in Sta. Lucia East Grand Mall, we looked at the time and we bought ourselves a ticket to the 6:40 pm showing, Premiere, P 130.00. My friend treated me with the P 30.00. We didn't go inside the theater house yet, instead, we bought some food to eat which was Pizza Hut and C2. We waited a few minutes outside and when we finished our first pizza, we decided to go inside. So, the trailers were already showing and I tell you, there were lots of them. I was getting bored already because it was almost 7 pm and they haven't started with the movie yet.

And, finally, the movie started. If I may say so, I really appreciated it this time around. Still, my favorite scene in the movie was the Baseball game. I'm still in love with Jasper, Carlisle and James. Haha :) I also liked Robert Pattinson this time around, but still, he wasn't the Edward I imagined. I was all giggly too. Haha :) I'm still a loser with remembering all the events that happened in the book, they're still a blur to me. I think I'm influenced by all these girls who are so addicted to Rob Pattinson's character. What else? I still hated how they made Jacob Black look so "Indian". He doesn't even have a long hair in the book. WTF?! I still laugh whenever I see him in the movie. Its just so funny, though he's good looking when he has his normal look. The movie is so fast-paced. There were lots of missing parts but I understand since you can't fit all what's written in the book in a 121 minute film. Oh well, as I've said before, the movie is done already. I just hope that when they make "New Moon" it will be better.

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