Sunday, December 21, 2008

Holiday Vacation...Not?!

Can yo believe it? Christmas season is coming soon but I couldn't feel it. Unlike before, way back when i was younger, I used to anticipate Christmas and New Year Season. My mom would buy us "torotot" and the likes but now, since we're already old enough, nothing like that is present. As time goes by, I can no longer feel the Christmas and New Year spirit just like what my friends and I shared with some of our talks. Anyways, Christmas and New Year Season is not the main topic of my post.

Well, we all thought that we could have a holiday vacation, requirement free but that is not the case with us, Junior and Senior students of Centro Escolar University College of Nursing. We still have our Enhancement Duty, which, I don't know why the College of Nursing implemented since it is against the University rules and regulations because the last day of classes were last December 19, 2008. One of our Clinical Instructors told us that the University is not responsible for anything that will happen to us students because this Enhancement Duty is not the part of the University-wide rules and regulations but the College of Nursing made it themselves.

Also, we have to make 15 Nursing Care Plans and 15 Drug Study as part of our requirement for our NCM 102 and Pharmacology subject. What a hassle?! I mean, this should be done when we get back of school for the year 2009 but they want us to make all these requirements. I'm not against it or anything because I know it will be part of our grades but, whatever (I don't exactly know how I will put it in words..haha :D). I guess I just have to make them while I still have time.

I just have to spend my holiday vacation with much fun as possible. Wait for my ninongs and ninangs to give me money or gives and indulge myself with eating lots and lots of foods. Nyahaha :D That's what its all about you know, going to different houses of your family friend to eat and talk and have fun. Have a Merry Holiday to all of you!!! Peace out! :D

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