Monday, September 29, 2008

meeting miguel escueta/grand return demo

i will start first with what happened when i met miguel escueta. it was a saturday, and as usual, i have classes even on weekends. i really wanted to go to robinson's metro east for the sake of seeing miguel escueta and its been a while since the last time i saw him. anyways, i had to hurry to get out of my school just to catch miguel at robinson's. i walked really fast which made me feel really tired. i was panting and grasping for breath.

finally, when i arrived at robinson's, miguel and his band was still there. i was really happy and it almost made me cry. i ran towards the escalator. i was really happy to see him again, i just can't believe what i had to do just to watch him. i bought the repackaged album I am ME: Amplified. i finally get to have a copy since i can't find it in some malls that i've been to. i found myself a seat in the fourth row. i took some pictures and videos since that was what i really wanted.

good thing that their bassist was late that's why i got to see more of miguel and the band. i felt really awkward during that time because i didn't have any company and had to sit alone. on the other side, i knew that those who were noisy were the other listers of the mailing list. then finally, their bassist arrived and started playing real music. they had to play acoustic songs while waiting for the bassist. i didn't get to start the show but it was worth the while. i was really overwhelmed.

after finishing all set of songs, ME had an autograph session and picture taking session with the other fans. as for me, i approached the other listers so that i could introduce myself and be known to them. i'm really happy that they are all very nice and i'm happy to have met all of them. afterwards, i also had my fair share of having my copy of the album autographed. i also took a picture with miguel and i also got to chat with him for a while. i can't explain my happiness during that time. when i was smiling for the camera, my mouth was shaking like crazy.

after the autograph session, i joined in with the group while we waited for miguel to finish his business backstage. i am so glad to have met new friends. we took a group picture with miguel on the stage. wow! what a day for me. i was really happy that i get to watch him again. after some time, their service arrived and had to leave. we, the listers also had to go our separate ways because we need to go home. i was with paw and her friend when we waited for a jeepney.

it was nice meeting all of them especially miguel. its been a while and i hope to see more of him and the listers.

grand return demo. yesterday, september 29, 2008, we had our grand return demo for the first semester, school year 2008-2009. i got the chance to study but i was still nervous and didn't think that i could still remember all the procedures i've studied. when i woke up, while eating my breakfast, i was watching the new season of the amazing grace. i wish someday that i could also got to the different places i want to visit. afterwards, i washed the dishes and proceeded with studying but i still can't get focused.

when i arrived at school, i still studied but just doesn't seem to get focused with what i'm studying. i was really nervous until the time we were outside the lah nal 2nd. while waiting, we picked our number so that we would know where we would perform the ret dem. i also saw the person that i really love seeing. maybe, he inspired me to not be nervous and to do good. i was so happy to see him.

then, it was the moment of truth. it was time for us to perform the grand ret dem. i proceeded to the cubicle # that i picked. when i was about to go up, i knew already who was going to be my clinical instructor. i almost cried because of shock that the clinical instructor assigned to the cubicle was our adviser. then, we picked the procedure we were about to perform. i picked the adult physical assessment and adding medication by intravenous piggyback. i chatted with my clinical instructor for a while, then we heard the second buzz signaling the start of the ret dem proper.

i first started with the physical assessment since i've done it before. i was really confident while performing the procedure but there were times that i forgot some steps. after finishing with the physical assessment, i proceeded with the intravenous piggyback. i warned my clinical instructor that i didn't study the procedure but she told me that i can do it. when i was done, i did the aftercare. i also signed the checklist where my grade was. i was really surprised with my grade especially with the intravenous piggyback.

adult physical assessment = 1.0
intravenous piggyback =1.25
average = 1.0

i was really happy about my grade since the clinical instructor was so nice. she knows me because she handled us during our finals hospital duty, adult physical assessment and since i'm the secretary of the class that i have to make the minutes of the homeroom meeting. she was like an angel that came down from heaven. when i was done, we did some chatting and waited for the time to finish.

over all, i had a wonderful day. san beda won the NCAA championship (haha :), what's the connection?!). they were really noisy outside of mendiola and they had to close mendiola for san beda. congratulations! that was my day!

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